Friday, April 13, 2012

Appreciation, Love & Meltdowns

We need all of these things, and possess all of these things: appreciation, love & meltdowns. Life wouldn’t be complete without them.

I try to be as honest as I can be in this blog, showing the amazing & wonderful growth, as well as some of our harder times. I want everyone to know both sides of what goes into starting a non-profit. I knew when I started this organization that it wouldn’t be easy, but it would be worth it. And it is worth every second, every minute, every hour.

Non-profit work, just as with life, presents all kinds of highs & lows. It is the most thrilling rollercoaster ride I have ever been on. I expressed last week that things were a bit low, I needed a little bit more love, because I was falling apart by the seems. Fortunately, as I had expressed myself and let the world know of my meltdown, I was blessed with the most amazing high.

We were having financial troubles and not raising enough money to pay off the lawyer. We received a generous donation from the founders of the Champ House, one of our facilities, and were then put back on our feet! It is amazing the gifts you receive from the universe. I truly believe that once you let others know what you need, once you tell them how they might be able to help you, the universe begins to listen.

I’m not necessarily saying that you should go around and ask everyone you know for money, or to listen to you complain all day long about your job, but perhaps if you asked for a hug – you would also get a date with the man of your dreams. Or if you told a friend of your dream to quit your job and travel to Paris, you would be one step closer to the Eiffel Tower. Let the universe know your dreams by planting your seeds everywhere you go.
In the past year, I have planted many seeds and watched each of them as they either grew or decided not to germinate. Each of us has a plan. A plan that we say out loud or write down, and a plan from the universe or God. Our plans change from day to day and year to year – but if we put our plans into action and say them out loud, we are always one step closer to our success.

I am so full of love and appreciation this week, from not only our clients but also our community. With our outreach and networking, I have been able to reach the hearts of many and received so many gifts in return from working with these wonderful people. Not just amazing material gifts (a briefcase, lovely photos & cards), but also gifts of love. I am truly grateful to each and every person who has given time, love or donations to Journey to Hope these past few months.

A special thank you to Youth in Progress for donating a gift certificate for us to print our very first t-shirts. Thank you to Carolyn & Paul at the Champ House for keeping us on our feet. Thank you to each of my volunteers to donate their time each week to spend with our amazing residents!! Thank you to my family for allowing me to grow in this way. It has been the most amazing journey, and I am looking forward to watching us continue to grow.

I asked myself the other day: how many times does one have to have an epiphany about the same thing for it to finally sink in? THIS is my reality. This is my dream. And it is here & now – in this moment. I am so very blessed (even for my caterpillar like meltdowns)!

Get out there – do yoga & make life sparkle,

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