Monday, July 23, 2012

Magical Mondays: Sat Chit Ananda

I’m writing this post to you moments after being in meditation. I am trying Deepak Chopra’s 21 day meditation challenge and couldn’t be more thrilled to participate. I always have trouble keeping with meditation. I’ll start a routine, and be on my own in my thoughts for a week or less. The problem, I believe, is that it isn’t guided. When we first begin meditation, we need a little bit of help. I am so blessed to have found this challenge and will be keeping with it for the full 3 weeks.

I am also thinking that this may be the perfect time for a cleanse. My husband’s birthday weekend is the week after next, so I think I will be re-doing The Clean Program right after! We have some traveling to do this coming weekend and friends will be here the next – but it would be realistic to try again mid-August. It is a great cleanse, and it may be easier to try in the summer when fruits and veggies are at their freshest! With all the people we have had visiting in the past month, my body, wine (and margaritas) and richer foods need a bit of a break.

I am also feeling much more like myself. There have been some immense changes going on in my life, and I am coming back into my practice, meditation and self.

The little things this week: finding rambutans at Whole Foods (and chocolate hazelnut butter – Justin’s), trinkets for the house, new work clothes, finding old mixed CD’s, reuniting with old friends, being on my mat more often, meditating, date night at Inaho, trying sashimi for the first time, transitions in Journey to Hope, new toys for Apollo, lunch dates, cuddling with all my boys, cleaning our new home, making our house a home, planning our housewarming party (!), ideas for this week, connections, networking and retreat planning, mapping out adventures, good shampoo, bringing our plants back to life, good food, better friends, Niraj visiting, country cruise, beach walks, late night swims, baby turkeys in our yard, friends getting ENGAGED!!, hanging with my dad and brother and appreciating each moment.

Beach Walking

Post swim & boy band Hair! 


Le Petite Prince: Apollo Drake

Making Chile Rellenos for Karthik & Niraj!

Baby turkeys & mama in our yard (11 of them - you go mama!)

Get out there – do yoga & make life sparkle!

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