Monday, February 4, 2013

Magical Monday

Good morning yogis, yoginis & friends! 
Happy Monday!

I hope you have all had an amazing weekend, a great week behind you and an even better week to come ahead. I was so blessed to have my week be full of cuddling, new foods, surprise presents, a few movies & a whirlwind weekend visit from my cousin and her best friend.

This past week was full of yoga moves and yoga thoughts. I practiced Kundalini again, which I am getting quite attached to and was asked to attend an 8 hour long meditation. I may join, but it may be a bit too much for me in the beginning stages of me learning about meditation and Kundalini. Although, you should always start before you’re ready... we shall see!

I also got the opportunity to teach a private yoga lesson before work one day this week. As I now work full-time, I do not get the opportunity as often as I used to and it was such a blessing. I was so excited to wake up at 4:45 am and drive off to teach a 6:00 am private yoga class! It was also that same day that we received a sur-PRIZE from Jill Abraham for completing the 30-day challenge. My prize was an octopus keychain, and if you hadn’t guessed, octopi are definitely my favorite!

Heather & Sarah came down for a nice visit this weekend, which was a lot of fun. We got pedicures, had a girls night out and had some friends over on Saturday to join us in playing karaoke. It was a lot of fun to have my cousin over and re-connect with her friend Sarah. It couldn’t have been a better weekend.

The Little Things

Using my china at a dinner party, playing singing, cousin love, pedicures, walking in the cold in our pedicure flip-flops like true New Englanders, hubby got twitter, we watched Trouble with the Curve (an adorable movie!), Crazy Sexy Kitchen Cookbook, Lush, bubble baths, naps, losing a little bit of weight, veggie burgers, cauliflower buffalo bites, experiments in the kitchen, an amazing dinner (and dinner party), Embargo’s, dancing, meditating every morning, homemade coffee, good presentations at work, yoga with old friends and looking forward to the conference this week in Texas!!

I hope you had a week full of little blessings and love. I wish you the most beautiful week ahead. Keep counting your blessings, have fun, save room for dessert (or eat it first) and love with your whole soul.

Get out there – do yoga & make life SPARKLE!

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